89th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members

Past exhibition
89th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
About the Exhibition
The Arts Club of Chicago’s 89th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members took place in January and February 2020. The first exhibition of artist members’ work took place in 1916, the same year that The Arts Club was established. The 2020 exhibition featured the work of The Arts Club’s visual artist members, and continued The Arts Club’s long-standing tradition of—and commitment to—furthering the arts. Included in this exhibition were locally, nationally, and internationally esteemed artists working in a wide variety of media and a breadth of historical influences.
The Arts Club of Chicago was founded with the mission to expand the artistic horizons of a public interested in the arts and related activities, and maintains its public galleries, free of admission, to that purpose. Since its inception, and as a part of its mission, The Arts Club membership has included both professional artists and lay members. Throughout its history, The Arts Club has produced significant exhibitions of artists such as Pablo Picasso, Constantin Brancusi (installed by Marcel Duchamp), Jackson Pollock, Alexander Calder, Auguste Rodin, Peter Doig, John Baldessari, David Hockney, Sigmar Polke, Maya Lin, and Chris Ofili.