Closed until Tuesday 11:00 am
Latham ZearfossThird Space
Cosmo WhyteThe Mother’s Tongue, Pressed to the Grinding Stone
Huguette CalandBribes de Corps
Haegue YangFlat Works
Teresa BakerShift in the Clouds
Mina LoyStrangeness Is Inevitable
The 91st Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Christine Tarkowskithe old Moon in the new Moon's arms
Rathin BarmanUnsettled Structures
Brenda DraneyDrink from the river
Yasmin SpiroGroundation
Jessi ReavesAll possessive lusts dispelled
Special Projects
Assaf EvronCollage for the Arts Club of Chicago
Andrea CarlsonThe Waves May Break Here Still
Suzanne JacksonListen N' Home
Kamrooz AramPrivacy, An Exhibition
Adrian WongOogenesis
The 90th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Hannah LevySurplus Tension
Mobile Makers ChicagoShape Makers
Hurvin AndersonAnywhere but Nowhere
Paola CabalWhat Means Light
UpkeepEveryday Strategies of Care
Marissa Lee Benedict, David Rueter, and Daniel de PaulaRepose
Jennie C. JonesConstant Structure
89th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Bernard WilliamsThe Black Tractor Project
Abraham CruzvillegasThe Ballad of Etc.
Eliza Myriegarden/ruinate
Amy SillmanThe Nervous System
Jeremiah Hulsebos-SpoffordGarden Gipsoteca
Thessia MachadoToward the Unsound
Jenny Kendler & Brian KirkbrideThe Playhead of Dawn
Gaylen GerberSupports
A Home for Surrealism: Fantastic Painting in Midcentury Chicago
the needle, the haystack, the thread
Richard RezacGlen Elder
88th Artist Member Exhibition
Robert BurnierOf No Particular King
Roman OndakMan Walking toward a Fata Morgana
Amanda WilliamsUppity Negress
Bettina PousttchiSuspended Mies
Edra SotoScreenhouse
Ralph CoburnRandom Sequence
SonnenzimmerThe Arts Club of Chicago at 100
LuftwerkCorner of a Square
Sharon LockhartRudzienko
Marshall BrownZIGGURAT, an architectural chimera
87th Exhibition of Professional Artist Members
Erik L. PetersonThe Oasis
Kerstin Brätsch[PELE's CURSE]
Claire Pentecostthe force that through the fossil drives utopia drives my greased age
Jean-Luc MylayneMutual Regard
Pedro Cabrita ReisA few lines, a possible staircase and a facade inside
Allison SmithSet Dressing
Simon StarlingPictures for an Exhibition
Sarah and Joseph BelknapAfterglow: A Garden Installation
Émilie Charmy
86th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Josiah McElhenyTwo Clubs at The Arts Club of Chicago
David SalleGhost Paintings
Meredyth SparksWindows and Screens
Janice Kerbel
85th Exhibition of Professional Members
Figures and Grounds: Approaches to Abstraction
Bertrand GoldbergReflections
Andy WarholShadows
84th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Chris OfiliAfrotranslinear
George GroszIn America 1933–1958
Maya Lin
83rd Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Elizabeth Murray
Richard DeaconDead Leg
Sigmar PolkeLens Paintings
Marcel BroodthaersDécor: A Conquest XIXth and XXth Century
David HockneyLooking At Woldgate Woods
Mario Merz
John BaldessariBeethoven's Trumpet: In One Ear & Out the Same Ear
82nd Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Per Kirkeby
Myron Goldsmith
Sherrie LevineAbstraction
Daniel BurenCrossing Through The Colors
Not Vital
Francis PicabiaA Selection Of Works On Paper, 1903–1951
81st Exhibition of Artist Members
Keith SonnierTransformer – Selected Works 1968–2005
Robert RymanWorks on Paper 1957–1966
Jörg Immendorff
Ian Hamilton FinlayVessels
Jaume PlensaSilent Noise
80th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Alice NeelDrawings
Robert Grosvenor
Peter Doig
Charles LeDraySculpture 1989–2002
Richard Artschwager
Alighiero e Boetti
79th Exhibition of Visual Artist Members
Christopher Wilmarth
Chris Burden
Markus Raetz
Late Works of Francis Picabia
Cornelia Parker
Alex Katz
At the Edge: A Portuguese Futurist—Amadeo de Souza Cardoso (1881–1917)
78th Exhibition of Artist Members
Guillermo KuitcaBeds, Theaters & Drawings
Summer Projects ExhibitionCarlin Van Damme, Paintings / Janet Cohen, Estimating Pitch Location / Keith Frank and Jon Ippolito: The Argument Drawings
Richard TuttleCommunity
St. Clair Cemin
Paul ThekPaintings, Works on Paper, and Notebooks 1970–1988
James Lee Byars
77th Exhibition of Artist Members
Stephan Balkenhol
Wolfgang LaibYou Will Go Somewhere Else
Louise Bourgeois
A James SpeyerArchitect, Curator, Exhibition Designer
Yayoi KusamaObsessional Vision
Charles RayFashions
General Idea
Bill Viola“Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House”
76th Annual Artist Member Exhibition
D.I.: David Ireland
Malcolm MorleyA Selection of Watercolors from 1976 to 1995
Marcel BroodthaersThe Complete Editions
Vinci/Hamp Architects, Inc.The Arts Club of Chicago, Designs for the New Building
Ray SmithRecent Paintings
Richard PettiboneSculpture
75th Annual Exhibition of Artist Members
Rigidity/Flexibility on the Grid: Situated Works by Daniel Buren
Conflict and Creativity: Architects and Sculptors in Chicago, 1871–1937, Selections from the Seymour H. Persky Collection
Nauman, Palermo, SchwarzkoglerSpaces
James WellingArchitectural Photographs; Buildings by H. H. Richardson (1838–86), 1988–94
Marlene Dumas
74th Annual Artist Members Exhibition: Works on Paper and Sculpture
Fluxus Vivus
René Daniëls
Ritual Raiment: Liturgical and Fraternal Order Vestments, 1850–1950
73rd Annual Artist Members Exhibition
MattaWorks from Chicago Collections
Peter SheltonDrawings and Sculpture
Siah ArmajaniStreets
75th Anniversary Exhibition, 1916–1991
72nd Annual Artist Members Exhibition
Halftime: Celebrating Seventy-Five Years of Chicago Architecture
John WalkerPaintings and Drawings
Andy GoldsworthySand Leaves—Michigan Dunes, August 1991 / Illinois Woods
Colin LanceleyNew Constructed Paintings
71st Annual Artist Member Exhibition: Paintings and Sculpture
Masterworks of Color and Design: Islamic Carpets from Oberlin College
Gaylen HansenPaintings
VisionsExpressions beyond the Mainstream from Chicago Collections
Agnes DenesConcept into Form—Works, 1970–1990
70th Annual Artist Member ExhibitionWorks on Paper and Sculpture
Jim DineDrawings, 1973–1987
American Abstract Drawings, 1930–1987Selections from The Arkansas Arts Center Foundation Collection
Gonzalo FonsecaSculpture and Drawings
The Unquiet LandscapeRecent Expressionist and Fantasy Landscape Paintings
Drawings of the 80s from Chicago Collections
69th Annual Member ExhibitionPaintings and Sculpture
TropismPhotographs by Ralph Gibson
Joe Zucker
Jan Håfström
Vincent Gallo
Acconci, Beuys, Duchamp, Koons, Lipinski, Tassett, Warhol, and WoodrowThe Objects of Sculpture
68th Annual Artist Members ExhibitionWorks on Paper and Sculpture
The Altering Eye: Layered Photographic Images
Lawrence WeinerFive Figures of Structure
Chairs as Art/Art as Chairs
Wayne ThiebaudWorks on Paper from the Collection of the Artist
67th Annual Artist Member ExhibitionPaintings and Sculpture
Dorothea RockburneRecent Paintings and Drawings
Charles ArnoldiA Survey, 1971–1986
Portrait of an EraRue Winterbotham Carpenter and The Arts Club of Chicago, 70th Anniversary Exhibition
Idelle WeberPaintings and Works on Paper, 1982–1985
Modern Master DrawingsForty Years of Collecting at the University of Michigan Museum of Art
Michelle StuartEssence of Place—Paintings, Objects, and Drawings from the Earth
66th Annual Artist Member ExhibitionWorks on Paper and Sculpture
Michael MazurMonotypes with Pastels, Paintings, and Drawings
Selections from the Reader’s Digest Collection
Anni AlbersPrints
Ella BergmannDrawings
Ilse BingPhotographs
Tom Holland
65th Annual Artist Member ExhibitionSculpture/Paintings
65th Annual Artist Member ExhibitionWorks on Paper/Sculpture
Charles GarabedianCollages, 1974–1982
Fairfield PorterPaintings and Works on Paper
Venturi, Rauch, and Scott BrownA Generation of Architecture
John AltoonWorks on Paper
64th Annual Artists Member ExhibitionPaintings and Sculpture
64th Annual Artist Member ExhibitionPaperworks and Sculpture
David von Schlegell
Nicol AllanCollages, Watercolors, and Sumi Drawings
Katherine Porter
Elaine de Kooning and the Bacchus Motif
David SmithSpray Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture
Terence La NoueRecent Paintings and Drawings
63rd Annual Exhibition by the Artist Members
Raoul Hague
High Culture in the Americas before 1500
Mies van der RoheInterior Spaces
Robert CurtisSculpture
John EvansCollage Diaries
62nd Annual Exhibition by the Artist MembersPaperworks and Sculpture
Harry BowersColor Photographs
Biederman, Gummer, Kendrick
Nathan OliveiraRecent Paintings and Monotypes
Wolf KahnTen Years of Landscape Painting
61st Annual Exhibition by the Professional MembersPainting and Sculpture
Frank FaulknerPaintings
Works from the Twentieth-Century Collection of Indiana University Art Museum
Books Illustrated by Painters and Sculptors, from 1900
Vija CelminsA Survey Exhibition
60th Annual Exhibition by the Professional MembersPaperworks and Sculpture
Elmer BischoffRecent Paintings
Edouard VuillardDrawings, 1885–1930
David Diao
Fletcher BentonNew Sculpture
Paul SarkisianPaintings
59th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Ann McCoyThe Red Sea and the Night Sea
Works on PaperAmerican Art, 1945–1875, The Washington Art Consortium Collection
François RouanPaintings and Drawings, 1972–1976
Irving Petlin Rubbings . . .The Large Paintings and the Small Pastels
Richard Pousette-DartDrawings
58th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Prints from the Collection of Dimitri HadziOld Masters to Modern
William AllanPaintings and Watercolors, 1969–1977
Howard NewmanBronze Sculptures and Drawings
John Pearson
Leon BerkowitzBig Bend Series, 1976
57th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Ulfert WilkeRecent Calligraphic Paintings
ArchipenkoPolychrome Sculpture
Horst AntesPaintings
Ben Nicholson
Mary FrankSculptures, Drawings, and Monoprints
56th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Theodore RoszakRecent Works
John WillenbecherConstructions, Paintings, and Works on Paper
Cletus JohnsonTheaters
Sixty Years on The Arts Club StageA Souvenir Exhibition of Portraits
André Francois
Kurt KranzBauhaus and Today, Multimedia
55th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Kyle Morris, James Prestini, Jack Tworkov
The Horse as Motif, 1200 B.C.–1966 A.D.
Loan ExhibitionArt Gallery, University of Notre Dame
Joan MitchellRecent Paintings
Fifth Moon Group
BonnardDrawings from 1893 to 1946
54th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
John Civitello
Andrea CascellaSculpture
The American Landscape
Exhibition of Relief Prints by Juergen Strunck
Charles O. PerryExhibition of Sculpture
Jack YoungermanExhibition of Paintings and Some Sculpture
53rd Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Paintings from the Collection of the University of Iowa Museum of Art
Photographer as PoetEdward Weston, Bill Brandt, Minor White, Harry Callahan, and Aaron Siskind
Aubusson Tapestries by Alexander Calder with A Selection of Mobiles
William TalbotSculpture in Concrete and Stained Glass
Sculpture by Edgar Negret
Jean-Michael Folon and Roland ToporExhibition of Watercolors and Drawings
52nd Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
George RickeyA Retrospective Exhibition of Sculpture and Paintings
A Second TalentAn Exhibition of Drawings and Paintings by Writers
Alfred ManessierExhibition of Paintings, Watercolors, and Prints
Carl-Henning PedersenExhibition of Paintings
51st Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Victor PasmoreExhibition of Works
Exhibition of Paintings by Ray Parker
Exhibition of Sculpture by David Lee Brown
Pol BuryExhibition of Kinetic Sculpture and Cinetizations
Chinese Art from the Collection of James W. and Marilynn Alsdorf
Artists AbroadExhibition by Painters and Sculptors
50th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
The Calligraphic StatementAn Exhibition of Oriental and Accidental Calligraphy and Painting from the Eighth to the Twentieth Century
Exhibition of Assemblages by Varujan Boghosian
Mario PrassinosAn Exhibition of Tapestries and Drawings
The CrowdAn Exhibition of Sculpture, Painting, and Graphics by Juan Genoves, Raymond Mason, Michaux, Gerson Lieber, Saura, and Dubuffet
Julio GonzalezExhibition of Sculpture and Drawings
Max BillExhibition of Sculpture and Paintings
49th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
HundertwasserExhibition of Paintings
Musical Sculptures by François and Bernard Baschet
Recent Paintings by Jimmy Ernst and Sculpture by Willi Gutman
The Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Champaign, Loan Exhibition
Louise NevelsonExhibition of Sculpture
Jewelry by Contemporary Painters and Sculptors
48th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Marcelo BonevardiPaintings Constructions
Masayuki NagareSculpture in Stone
Josef Levi and Karl GerstnerConstructions, Light, and Optical
Reuben NakianPaintings and Terra Cotta
Alan DaviePaintings
Adolph GottliebExhibition of Recent Paintings
47th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Pierre CourtinEngravings, Watercolors, and Oils
Victor VasarelyPaintings and Collages
Paintings by Enrico Baj
Chromium Sculpture by Jose De Rivera and Roy Gussow, Tapestries by Jan Yoors
The Raymond and Laura Wielgus CollectionPrimitive Art
Robert RauschenbergDrawings from Dante’s Inferno
46th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Drawings, 1916/1966
Germaine RichierExhibition of Sculpture, Drawings, and Etchings
Kinetic Art
Albert GleizesOil Paintings, Watercolors, and Drawings
Lee GatchRecent Paintings
45th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Pierre AlechinskyPaintings, Encres, and Watercolors
Fritz BultmanSculpture, Paintings, Drawings, and Collages
Sidney Nolan
Italian Votive Tablets from the Collection of Ermanno Mori
Jacques LipchitzBronze Sketches, 1912–1962
44th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Robert Goodnough
Primitive Paintings from the Pacific, the Americas, and Africa
Julius BissierDrawings, Watercolors, and Oils
Drawings, Studies, and Paintings by Arshile Gorky
John Graham
Work by Ernst Barlach
The Miniature in Persian Art
43rd Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Etienne HajduSculpture and Drawings
Stravinsky and the Dance
BraqueAn Exhibition to Honor the Artist on the Occasion of His Eightieth Anniversary
Abstract Paintings from the Whitney Museum of American Art
Stephen Pace/George McNeil
Twentieth-Century Drawings from The Museum of Modern Art, New York
42nd Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Wit and Humor
Paul KleeWorks from Chicago Collections
Franz Kline
Modern Mosaics of Ravenna
First Midwestern Exhibition of Belgian Painters
The Aldrich Collection
41st Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Joan MiróWorks from Chicago Collections
Hans ArpSculpture from Chicago Collections
Smith College Loan Exhibition
Construction and Geometry in Painting: From Malevich to “Tomorrow”
Young French Painters
Barnet, Sugai, Leyden
Sculpture and Drawings by Sculptors from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
40th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Liturgical Art
Henry MooreSculpture and Drawings from Chicago Collections
Contemporary Painters of Japanese Origin in America
Constantino NivolaSculpture
Enrico Donati
Art and the Found Object
Da Silva, de Staël, Wols
39th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Amedeo ModiglianiAn Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings
Barlach, Brown, Derain, Frasconi, Giacometti, Greco, Janicki, Kolbe, Lachaise, Manolo, Marshall, Nadelman, Perlin, PozattiDrawings and Small Sculpture
Baskin, Farr, Glasco, Lipton, Schmidt, SchorSix American Sculptors
Bacon, Balthus, Brauner, Chagall, Dali, De Chirico, Delveaux, Dubuffet, Ernst, Giacometti, Graves, Klee, Magritte, Matta, Miró, Picabia, Picasso, Redon, Richier, Tanguy, TchelitchewSurrealism Then and Now
Cicero, Knaths, Plate, Levee, SchneiderPaintings
38th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Prints by Matisse
Paintings by Albert Burri
Marini, Manzù, Minguzzi, Mirko, Consagra, FazziniItalian Sculptors
Young British Painters
Graphic Work by Edvard Munch
Pre-Columbian Sculpture
37th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
John Ferren, Julio Girona, John Grillo, Angelo Ippolito, Marca-Relli, Joan MitchellYoung American Painters
Adventures in Glass
Le Corbusier, Riopelle, Poliakoff, Calliyannis, Dufour
Paul Klee
Chaim SoutinePaintings
Oskar KokoschkaPaintings, Drawings, and Prints
Marsden Hartley, Edward Hopper, Walt Kuhn, John Sloan
36th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Fritz WotrubaSculpture, Tapestries, Drawings
Les Fauves
Accent Rugs Woven by Gloria Finn and Designed by American Painters
Melanesian Sculpture
NoguchiSculpture and Scroll Drawings
An Exhibition of Cubism on the Occasion of the 40th Anniversary of The Arts Club of Chicago
World at WorkAn Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings, Commissioned by Fortune
35th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
An Exhibition of Sculpture and Drawings by Young British Sculptors
Janicki, Sterne, Glasco
Roy and Marie Neuberger CollectionModern American Painting and Sculpture
Georges BraquePainter, Printmaker
Twentieth-Century Art Loaned by Members of The Arts Club of Chicago
Paintings and Murals by José Guerrero
Recent Graphic Work by Joan Miró
John Heliker
William Congdon
New Work in Stained Glass
Vaughan, MacBryde, Colquhoun, Minton, Wells, Bacon, Reynolds, IronsideEight British Painters
Sculpture and Paintings by Alberto Giacometti
Chagall Etchings“Fables de la Fontaine”
Exhibition of Paintings by Metzinger
An Exhibition of Paintings by Jean de Botton
An Exhibition of Paintings by Cameron Booth
Saul SteinbergDrawings
33rd Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Afro, Birolli, Cremonini, Morlotti, VedovaAn Exhibition of Italian Painters
Aubusson Tapestries Executed at Tabart Studios
Richard LippoldSculpture
Adolph Gottlieb, Robert Motherwell, William Baziotes, Hans Hoffman
Jacques Villon Exhibition
Collage, Painting, Relief, and Sculpture by Schwitters
Exhibition of Paintings by Robert Delaunay
Contemporary Swiss Paintings
The School of Paris at Mid-CenturyA Selection of Modern Paintings from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zadok
32nd Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Naum Gabo and Josef AlbersTwo Exhibitions
Jean Dubuffet
German Expressionists and Max Beckmann from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Morton D. May
Raoul DufyImpressions of America
Ben Shahn, Willem de Kooning, Jackson PollockExhibition
Paris Masters, 1941–1951
31st Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Exhibition of the Arthur Heun Collection of Modern Paintings and Drawings Bequeathed to the Arts Club
Exhibition of Paintings by André Derain
Exhibition of Paintings by Florine Stettheimer
Jean HugoPaintings, Pastels, Drawings, and Theater
LandscapesReal and Imaginary
Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings from the Josef von Sternberg Collection
Albert Pinkham Ryder / Arthur Bowen DaviesExhibition
Corrado Cagli from Cherbourg to LeipzigDocuments and Memories
30th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Kurt Seligmann
Variety in Abstraction
Mark Tobey
Robert MotherwellPaintings, Collages, Drawings
Exhibition of Sculpture by Mary Callery
Paintings by Camille Pissarro
Sculpture by Charles Howard
Louis Vivin
Marsden Hartley Memorial Exhibition
Wassily Kandinsky Memorial Exhibition
Ivon Hitchens, Henry Moore, Paul Nash, John Piper, Ceri Richards, Graham Sutherland, John TunnardContemporary British Artists
29th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
I. Rice Pereira Exhibition
Jackson Pollock
Karl Zerbe, Stuart Davis, Ralston CrawfordThree Contemporary Americans
Exhibition of Paintings and Watercolors by Jules Pascin
Hans Moller
Marc Chagall
Exhibition of Cuban Painting Today
Hans Hofmann
New Paintings by Evsa Model
Exhibition of Drawings by James Thurber
28th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Grigory Gluckman
Herbert Matter
Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, and Architecture by Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard-Jeanneret)
Matta EchaurrenOil Pencils, Paintings
Wifredo LamGouaches
Calder Jewelry
Roger de la Fresnaye
American Primitive Painting of Four Centuries
Twentieth-Century Portraits
27th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Berthe Morisot
Fine Prints of Musical Subjects
Joan Miró Exhibition
Jerome Myers Memorial Exhibition
Joep NicolasStained Glass Panels
American Prize Winners
Morris Graves
Franklin C. Watkins Exhibition
Jacques Lipchitz Exhibition
Calder Drawings
Thirteen Mexican Artists
André Masson
Drawings and Paintings by Max Ernst
26th Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Eugene Berman Retrospective
Mosaics by Jeanne Reynal
Architecture of Eric Mendelsohn (1914–1940)
Ernst Barlach
Ossip Zadkine Exhibition
Blume, Calder, Canadé, Corbino, French, Kuniyoshi, Poor, Priebe, TaubesNine American Artists
Max Beckmann Exhibition
Raoul Dufy Exhibition
Modern Tapestries Designed by Modern Paintings, Executed under the Direction of Madame Paul Cuttoli
Private Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Florsheim
Exhibition of Paintings by Horace Pippin
Fernand Léger
Salvador Dalí
Annual Exhibition by the Professional Members
Henri Laurens
Martha WalterExhibition of Paintings and Watercolors
Alexandre Iacovleff Memorial Exhibition
Charles BiedermanExhibition of a Group of Ten Constructions Without Titles
Exhibition of Paintings by Albert André
Loren MacIver Exhibition
Paul Klee Memorial Exhibition
Exhibition of Paintings by Cristofanetti
Aristide Maillol
Maximilian Mopp
Portinari of Brazil
Exhibition of Contemporary British Art from the British Pavilion, New York World’s Fair, 1939
Origins of Modern Art
Mosaics by Jean Varda
Paintings by William M. Hartnett
Recent Paintings and Constructions by Gallatin, Morris, Shaw
Paintings by Abraham Rattner
Paintings by Camille Bombois
Yves TanguyPaintings, Gouaches, Drawings
Amédée OzenfantRetrospective Exhibition
Sculpture by Painters
Paintings and Drawings by Karl Hofer
Charles Demuth, Preston Dickinson, John Marin, Jules PascinWatercolors and Pastels by Four Modern American Painters
Georges Braque Retrospective Exhibition
The Masterpiece “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso Together with Drawings and Studies for the Benefit of the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign
Sculpture by Wilhelm Lehmbruck
William Glackens Memorial Exhibition
Exhibition of Paintings by B. G. Benno
Exhibition of Paintings by Henri Matisse
Jean-François ThomasMemorial Exhibition (1898–1939)
Exhibition of Sculptures by Herman Webster
Exhibition of Paintings by John Kane (1860–1934)
Exhibition of Paintings by Maurice Grosser
Exhibition of Prints by Georges Rouault
Paintings by André Derain
Drawings by Pablo Picasso from the Collection of Walter P. Chrysler, Jr.
Exhibition of Paintings by Honore Palmer, Jr. (1908–1938)
Paintings by Juan Gris (1887–1927)
Comprehensive Exhibition of Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings and Etchings by André Dunoyer de Segonzac
Loan Exhibition of Modern Paintings and Drawings from Private Collections in Chicago
Gouaches by Max Jacob
Sculpture by Renee Sintenis
Textiles by Dorothy Liebes
Exhibition of Contemporary Italian Painting
Exhibition of Watercolors by Raoul Dufy
Paintings by Henry Botkin
Abstractions on Plaster by John Ferren
Exhibition of Paintings by Dietz Edzard
George Gershwin, Painter (1898–1937)Memorial Exhibition
Exhibition of Paintings by Marie Laurencin
Paintings by Kristians Tony
Ten Original Engravings on Wood by Paul Gauguin
Exhibition of Watercolors by Issachar Ryback
Paintings by Jean Hélion
Portraits by Pavel Tchelitchew
Paintings by Walter Richard Sickert
Exhibition of Caricatures by Max Beerbohm
Exhibition of Chinese Furniture and Eighteenth-Century Paintings Including Early Bronzes, Sculptures, Pottery, and Porcelain Loaned by C. T. Loo and Company of Paris and New York
Exhibition of Sculpture by Atanas Katchamakoff
Exhibition of Contemporary Mexican Paintings
Paintings by Jack Gage Stark
Exhibition of Paintings by Carl Ruggles
Exhibition of Stage Designs by Jo Mielziner and Rex Whistler
Paintings by Albert Gleizes
Exhibition of Modern Painters and Sculptors as Illustrators
Conversation Pictures by Nicolas de Molas
Albers, Dreier, Drewes, KelpeFour Painters
Memorial Exhibition of Iron Sculptors by Pablo Gargallo (1879–1934)
Pastels and Paintings by Dimitri Bouchène
Exhibition of Paintings by Marcel Duchamp
Exhibition of Paintings by Van Dongen
Exhibition of the Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. Collection
Exhibition of the Joseph Winterbotham Collection
Paintings by Rudolf Bauer from the Collection of Solomon R. Guggenheim
Modern French Tapestries Designed by Modern Painters, Executed Under the Direction of Madame Marie Cuttoli
Exhibition of Paintings by Harry Carlsson
Paintings by Serge Férat
Paintings by Elie Lascaux
Paintings by Francisco Borès
Gouaches by Ossip Zadkine
Paintings and Drawings by Caroline Durieux
Gabo, Pevsner, Mondrian, DomelaAbstract Art
Paintings by Francis Picabia
Paintings by Emmanuel Gondouin (1883–1934)
Exhibition: Juan Gris
Exhibition of Sculpture by Guitou Knoop
Paintings by Haim Soutine
Exhibition of African Negro Art
New Works by Hilla Rebay
Paintings by B. J. O. Nordfeldt
Watercolors and Drawings from the Lillie P. Bliss Collection
Exhibition of the Sidney Janis Collection of Modern Paintings
Set Designs by Jean Lurçat for the Ballet "Jardin Publique"
Abstract Sculpture by Alberto Giacometti
New Landscape Paintings by Oscar F. BluemnerCompositions for Color Themes
Hermine David, Natalie Gontcharova, Alice HalickaPaintings by Three Women Painters
"Mobiles" by Alexander Calder
Paintings by Pedro Pruna
Oceanic Sculpture
Original Drawings by Romaine Brooks
Paintings and Drawings by Pavel Tchelitchew
Drawings by Jean Cocteau
Exhibition of Leonide Massine Collection of Modern Paintings
Original Etchings by Louis Marcoussis
Paintings by Sir Francis Rose
Exhibition of Paintings by José Clemente Orozco
Exhibition of Watercolors by André Derain
Modern Paintings from the Collection of Mr. Earl Horter of Philadelphia
Sculpture in Wood by John L. Clarke (Cutapuis)
Paintings by Joan Miró
Sculpture by John B. Flannagan
Watercolors by Jane Berlandina
Ceramic Sculpture by Vally Wieselthier
Paintings by Ernest Fiene
Paintings by Georges Papazoff
Watercolors and Drawings by Maurice Boutet de Monvel for the Jeanne d’Arc Album
Exhibition of Paintings by Edward Hopper
Paintings by Georges Rouault
Exhibition of Paintings and Etchings by Jacques Villon
Exhibition of "Twenty-Five Years of Russian Ballet" from the Collection of Serge Lifar
Exhibition of the George Gershwin Collection of Modern Paintings
Exhibition of Recent Paintings by Roger Fry
Exhibition of Modern Sculpture and Drawings by Sculptors
Exhibition of Early African Heads and Statues from the Gabun Pahouin Tribe
Watercolors and Drawings by George Grosz
Exhibition of Landscape Drawings of Walt Kuhn
Modern Artists of the U.S.S.R. (Russia)
Paintings by André Masson
“Towards the New City and a New Life”An International Exhibition of Housing and City Planning Organized by the Gallery of Modern Life
Memorial Exhibition of Paintings by Gardner Hale
Paintings by Henry Billings
Exhibition of Paintings by Claude Monet in Retrospect, 1868–1913
The Isabel Carleton Wilde Collection of Early American Folk Painting
Recent Drawings by Aristide Maillol
Paintings and Sculpture by American Contemporaries
Reconstructions of Seventeenth-Century Persian Fresco Paintings in Isfahan by Mr. Sarkis Katchadourian
Loan Exhibition of Drawings by Sculptors Privately Owned by Chicagoans
Loan Exhibition of Sculpture by Charles Despiau from the Collection of Mr. Frank Crowninshield
The Blue FourFeininger, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Paul Klee
Paintings by Edward Biberman
Watercolors and Drawings by Roger de la Fresnaye
Brush Drawings and Sculpture by Isamu Noguchi
Paintings by H. E. Schnakenberg
Paintings and Drawings by Maurice Sterne
Paintings by Georges d’Espagnat
Paintings and Drawings by Charles Sheeler
Paintings and Watercolors by Howard Ashman Patterson
Paintings by André Bauchant
"The Wedding" by Henri Rousseau
Paintings by Charles Dufresne
Painting by Pablo Picasso
Exhibition of Chinese, Indian, and Cambodian Art Formed by C. T. Loo
Paintings and Drawings by Fernand Léger
Paintings by Three Women PaintersBerthe Marisot, Mary Cassatt, Marie Laurencin
Exhibition of Plans and Drawings by Students of the Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Lake Forest, Illinois
The 44th Annual Architectural Exhibition
The James Robinson Exhibition of Old English Silver and Genuine Old Sheffield Plate
Exhibition of Georgian Silver, Old Sheffield Plate, and English Period Furniture from the Brainard Lemon Silver Collection
Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany
Flower, Animal, and Still Life Paintings
Sculpture by Henri Matisse
Paintings by Edouard Goerg
Paintings by Henri Rousseau
Ancient Chinese Wallpaper
Painted Linen by Raoul DufyCollection of Paul Poiret, Paris
Paintings by Jean Victor Hugo
Paintings and Drawings by Tsuguhara Foujita
Painting by Jacques Villon
Sculpture by Ossip Zadkine
Drawings and Painting by William H. Littlefield
Paintings by Valentine Prax
Paintings by Giorgio de Chirico
Exhibition of Original Drawings by Pablo Picasso
Paintings by Margarett Sargent
Painting by Pierre Auguste Renoir
Plaques by Carl Milles
Exhibition of Plans and Drawings by the Students of the Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Lake Forest, Illinois
The 43rd Annual Architectural Exhibition
Exhibition of Models and Drawings of Dymaxion Architecture by Buckminster Fuller
Contemporary Chinese Paintings
Paintings by Pablo Picasso
Sculpture by Isamu Noguchi
Loan Exhibition from the Collection of Mary H. Wiborg
Drawings by Muriel Hannah
Gouaches by Emil Ganso
Paintings, Watercolors, and Drawings by Ernest Fiene
Black Plastic by Ugo Mochi
Paintings by Emile-Othon Friesz
Paintings by Norman Jacobsen
Paintings by Raoul Dufy
Sculpture by José de Creeft
Watercolors by Leon Carroll
Loan Exhibition of Modern Drawings and Sculpture Privately Owned by Chicagoans
Rubbings from Monumental English Tombs Loaned by The University of Chicago
Sculpture by Chana Orloff
Watercolors by Arthur B. Davies
Exhibition of Antique Georgian Silver, Old Sheffield Plate, and Fine Old Furniture from the Brainard Lemon Silver Collection
Portraits of Maria Lani by Fifty-One Painters
Exhibition of Antique and Modern Jewels Collected by Olga Tritt, New York
The Feast in the House of Simon by El Greco from the Collection of Mr. Joseph Winterbotham, Jr.
Paintings by Amedeo Modigliani
Thirty Years of French PaintingFrom 1900–1930
The 42nd Annual Architectural Exhibition
Exhibition of Sixteenth-Century Rugs, Rare Velvets, Tapestries, Egyptian, Khmer, and Gothic Sculptures, Persian Potteries, and Miniatures Loaned by Dikran G. Kelekian, Paris, Cairo, and New York
Paintings by Angel Zarraga
Paintings by Jerome Blum
Sculpture by Raymond Duchamp-Villon
Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Chintzes Loaned by Elinor Merrell, New York
Paintings by William B. E. Ranken
Paintings by William Merritt Chase
Sculpture by John Duncan Fergusson
Sculpture and Paintings by Alexander Archipenko
Some Modern Paintings
Watercolor Drawings by Francis Picabia
Antique Jewels, Rare Gems, and Fine Pearls Collected by Olga Tritt
Drawings by Amedeo Modigliani and Watercolors by Auguste Rodin
Photographic Compositions by Man Ray
C. T. Loo Collection of Chinese Antiquities
Loan Exhibition of Modern Paintings Privately Owned by Chicagoans
Small Sculpture
Paintings, Watercolors, and Drawings by Mark Tobey
Screen by Natalia Goncharova
Collection of Jade and Chinese Pottery and Sculpture Loaned by Herbert J. Devine
Modern Paintings by Eleven European Artists
Modern Objects of Industrial Art from the Austrian Werkbund of Vienna
Exhibition of Plans and Drawings of the Students at the Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Lake Forest, Illinois
Danish National Exhibition of Applied Art, Paintings, and Sculpture
Paintings and Watercolor by J. Theodore Johnson